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Etapna točka (začetek ali konec etape)
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Mesto, kraj
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Trgovina z železnino / s športnimi oblacil
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A Asfaltirana ali tlakovana cesta
B Netlakovana cesta
C Mulatjera
D Gorska pot
E Opremljena pot (jeklenice in stopnice)
F Brezpotje

Sprehod / turizem (široka neizpostavljena pot)
Ekskurzija (gorska pot, v časih ozka in izpostavljena)
Alpinistična pešpot (opremljena pot ali zelo izpostavljena, snežišča, skalnati bloki)
R40 Kellerjochhütte » Schwaz
  |   6h05   |   15.7 km   |   614 m   |   2063 m

Čaka nas z razgledi bogata etapa s prihodom v Silberstadt Schwaz. Vzpon do koče Kellerjochhütte je precej strm toda udobna koča nam nudi vse, kar si planinčevo srce poželi. V mesto Schwaz, poznano zaradi pridobivanja srebra, pridemo lahko bodisi če gremo preko koče Alte Kellerjochhütte bodisi vzdolž grebena čez prelaz Kreuzjoch in čez Gratzenkopf.

Točka Odsek
Ime Storitve Informacija Markacija
2237 m
| C  2.5 km / 1h40
2218 m
| C  0.8 km / 0h35
2335 m
| C  1.7 km / 0h25
2057 m
| C  3.2 km / 1h05
1487 m
| BC  1.5 km / 0h45
1225 m
| BC  3 km / 0h45
956 m
| BC  3 km / 0h50
550 m
Podrobni opis poti
Naravna in kulturna dediščina
Druge velike pešpoti in variante
Vzpon na Kuhmöser, vpon na 2344m visok prelaz Kreuzjoche s kapelo.
Koristni topografski zemljevidi
  • Nr. 5/3 Karwendelgebirge Ost ~ Oesterreichischer Alpenverein (1:25.000)
  • WK 151 Zillertal, Tuxer Alpen, Jenbach, Schwaz ~ Freytag&Berndt (1:50.000)
  • Ök 50 119 ~ Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen (1:50.000)
  • Nr. 28 Achensee, Rofan, Zillertal ~ Kompass (1:50.000)
Koristni pohodniški vodniki
  • Schwaz-Portrait einer Tiorler Bezirksstadt, Hans Andreatta u. Klaus Kandler ~ Berenkamp (ISBN )
  • Der Schwazer Naturführer, Alessandra Sarti u. Reinhard Hölzl ~ (ISBN )

Ljubezen na prvi pogled, kritika? Dodajte svoj komentar k tej etapi. Za bolj splošne opombe uporabite možnost oddaje komentarjev na strani Besede pohodnikov Vie Alpine.

max. 1000 znakov
  • Carsten - 22.1.10
    [4] Excellent resupply in Schwaz. Start at the Stadtgalerien (just before the river, on the left, the Via Alpina passes it, with supermarket as well as DM and Muller markets, the latter two carrying their usual range of health foods). Past the train station (whose pedestrian underpass one has to use) is a Hofer/Aldi. Prices in Schwaz are about half of what they were in Sexten or Finkenberg.
  • Carsten - 22.1.10
    [3] About 5km before Schwaz one reaches an asphalt road and a bus stop, Pertrach (buses run almost every hour to Schwaz). The guidebook says walk the road into town. The app shows a hiking trail that takes off in the second far (East) curve down; signposts appear 5min into the trail, but where it starts from the asphalt road there is only a sign about a "Rodelbahn"; this somewhat rough trail descends rapidly along a creek and then moves diagonally away from the creek, crosses the asphalt road, and continues as a forest trail to the
    very edge of Schwaz. Another option at Pertrach is to follow the signs to "Burg Freundsberg" with a trail that seems to continue through nice old forest; the GPS waypoints for the Via Alpina lead to within 300m and 100m altitude (below) the Burg, so from the Burg it's just a matter of descending to rejoin the GPS route.
  • Carsten - 22.1.10
    [2] If one goes to the Kellerjochhuette, one has 3 possibilities to continue: (1) Follow the GPS waypoints, which means an about 2km slope crossing (the slope is at a 70-80 degree angle but the trail is good, albeit narrow, early on secured with c.200m of cables that aren't necessarily needed, and the slope is covered in grass and small bushes), or (2) walk around the Kellerjochhuette and find the spur trail down to the highline trail (from afar, this looked like the easiest option; it will likely provide an incentive to bypass the Gratzenkopf, or (3) continue from the hut to the chapel and continue from there to rejoin the GPS waypoints; the trail to the chapel (300-500m) may look challenging, being secured with cables in the beginning, but to judge from conversations with other hikers, could yet be easier than (1) (which I took).
  • Carsten - 22.1.10
    [1] Ascending towards the Kellerjochhuette from the Gamssteinhaus at the beginning of R40, after about 15 minutes signposts give two options to reach the Kellerjochhurtte: straight up, or via a highline trail ("Hochebenweg") circling around the mountain and then ascending a spur to the hut. Both are signposted with the same time (I think it was 1 3/4 hours). Unless one wants to spend the night at the hut or for some other reason wishes to go up there, the highline trail *without* final ascent (bypass the hut, since one has to descend to 550m altitude Schwaz afterwards -- why add another 500m elevation gain to what’s already a big drop?) for no real gain -- may well be preferable. Where the spur trail branches off the highline trail to go up, one can continue the highline trail and either start descending to Schwaz (on trails) or continue in order to rejoin, after a bit of ascent, the GPS waypoints of the Via Alpina to go to the Gratzenkopf (a lower peak).
  • Lolo - 19.7.31
    Hebergement à Schwaz à Einhorn Schaller...très bien (56€ : nuit + petit dej). Resto fermé ce jour là.
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Namestitev v Schwazu v Einhornu Schaller ... zelo dobro (56 €: nočitev + zajtrk). Restavracija se je ta dan zaprla.
  • POPEYE GG - 19.2.1
    Dimanche 17 juin 2018
    Descente aisée sur Schwaz (nous en avions fait la moitié la veille pour cause de difficulté d'hébergement!).
    A Schwaz, personne à la Pension Clara; il y avait la fête du village, peut-être en est-ce la raison?
    Du coup, nous avons filé jusqu'à Stanz, sur l'autre rive de l'Inn, pour nous rapprocher un peu pour l'étape suivante. Nous avons trouvé à l'Hotel Garni Appartments Kastner (130€ pour 3).
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Nedelja, 17. junij, 2018 Zlahka spust po Schwazu (to smo naredili pol dneva zaradi težavnosti nastanitve!). V Schwazu ni nikogar v Pension Clara; je bil vaški festival, morda to je razlog? Torej smo šli na Stanz, na drugi strani gostilne, da bi se malo približali naslednji stopnji. Našli smo v hotelu Garni Appartments Kastner (130 € za 3).
  • Eva - 17.7.30
    Gamssteinhaus was closed (on a Saturday), but it's a great camping spot. Unfortunately I couldn't do the ridge hike to the Kellerjoch Hütte, the weather was too unstable, but there is a good alternative route that goes via Proxenalm.
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Gamssteinhaus je bil zaprt (v soboto), vendar je odličen kamp. Na žalost nisem mogel na grebenu pohoditi do Kellerjoch Hütte, vreme je bilo preveč nestabilno, vendar obstaja dobra alternativna pot, ki gre skozi Proxenalm.
  • Daniel - 16.9.26
    In Schwaz you will stay at Pension Clara, just some 100m from the stage end-point. €38 B&B. Ask anybody for the way. Or walk down to the river, and turn right 300m to the tourist office.
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    V Schwazu boste ostali v penzionu Clara, le 100 m od končne točke. 38 € nočitev z zajtrkom. Prosite koga za pot. Ali pa se spustite do reke in zavijte desno 300 m do turističnega urada.
  • Elisabeth - 12.12.24
    Depuis le refuge Kellerjochhütte, la variante par le Gratzenkopf est jolie mais beaucoup plus longue.
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Iz Zatočišča Kellerjochhütte, varianta z Gratzenkopf je zal, ampak mnogo več.
  • Jean-Louis GIRAUD - 12.3.28
    Compte tenu du trés mauvais temps et des prévisions météo, je n'ai pas souhaité dormir à SCHWAZ mais plutot avancer sur la prochaine étape R41...Je me suis finalement arrété au monastère Bénédictin de St GEORGENBERG-FIECHT. Ce soir là , il y avait de la place et j'ai été trés bien accueilli .
    J'ai également pris le repas du soir et le petit déjeuner dans un réfectoire de l'abbaye .
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Glede na zelo slabo vreme in vremenske napovedi, nisem spala Schwaz, temveč na naslednji korak naprej na R41 ... Končno sem se ustavil na benediktinski samostan St-Georgenberg Fiecht. Tisti večer je bilo prostora in sem bil zelo dobro sprejet. Prav tako sem imel večerjo in zajtrk v refektoriju samostana.
  • AV Hall - 11.12.28
    Von der Rastkogel oder kellerjochhütte zweiegt der "INntaler Höhenweg" Richtung Innsbruck ab, das ist eine Variante des Roten weges, über Lizumer- und Glungezerhütte zum Patscherkofel. Details unter
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Od zweiegt Rastkogel ali Kellerjochhütte iz "poti" Inntaler proti Innsbrucku, ki je različica Red poti, približno Lizumer in Glungezerhütte Patscherkofel. Podrobnosti na
Zadnja sprememba : 19.12.15