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Zilleraler Alpen
Hochgebirgsnaturpark Zillertaler Alpen
Etapna točka (začetek ali konec etape)
Vmesna etapa (možnosti prenočitve)
Mesto, kraj
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Pekarna / trgovina z živili
Trgovina z železnino / s športnimi oblacil
Banka / bankomat
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A Asfaltirana ali tlakovana cesta
B Netlakovana cesta
C Mulatjera
D Gorska pot
E Opremljena pot (jeklenice in stopnice)
F Brezpotje

Sprehod / turizem (široka neizpostavljena pot)
Ekskurzija (gorska pot, v časih ozka in izpostavljena)
Alpinistična pešpot (opremljena pot ali zelo izpostavljena, snežišča, skalnati bloki)
R36 Pfitscherjoch / Passo Vizze » Ginzling
  |   5h40   |   24.6 km   |   86 m   |   1358 m

Na poti s prelaza Pfitscher Joch hodimo naprej preko čudovite doline Zamser Grunde vse do jezera Schlegeisstausee. Priljubljeni a zelo obiskani izletniški cilj nudi za Staumauerjem tudi nekaj miru. Mimo Breitlahner nas Via Alpina vodi po tematski poti "Dovoli mi, da ti pripovedujem o ...“, ki obuja v spomin številne in žal pozabljene posebnosti doline Zillertal.

Točka Odsek
Ime Storitve Informacija Markacija
Pfitscherjoch / Passo Vizze
2261 m
|   6 km / 1h25
1787 m
| BC  1.8 km / 0h25
1785 m
| BC  8 km / 1h50
Gasthof Breitlahner
1281 m
| A  1.9 km / 0h25
1172 m
| A  2.1 km / 0h30
Gasthof Roßhag
1101 m
| A  2.5 km / 0h35
Gasthof Leitenhof
1055 m
| A  2.3 km / 0h30
985 m
Podrobni opis poti
Naravna in kulturna dediščina
Druge velike pešpoti in variante
Iz koče Dominiskus Hütte odcep za kočo Friesenberghaus z judovskim spomenikom in čudovito panoramo. Pri Breitlahnerju prispemo znova na Vio Alpino.
Koristni topografski zemljevidi
  • 35/2, Zillertaler Alpen, Mitte und 35/1, Zillertaler Apen, West ~ Oesterreichischer Alpenverein (1:25.000)
  • WK 152, Mayrhofen, Zillertaler Alpen, Gerlos, Krimml ~ Freytag&Berndt (1:50.000)
  • Nr. 37 Zilletaler Alpen, Tuxer Alpen ~ Kompass (1:50.000)
  • ÖK 50 149, 2230 ~ Bundesamt f. Eich- u. Vermessungswesen (1:50.000)
Koristni pohodniški vodniki
  • Ginzling...Am Anfang war das Bergsteigen; Kröll Alfred, Wallentin Gudrun, Blome Pamela ~ Naturparkbetreuung Zillertaler Alpen (ISBN )
  • Ginzling-Von Karlsteg nach Breitlahner; Kröll Alfred, Fischer Gudrun ~ Naturparkbetreuung Zillertaler Alpen (ISBN )
  • Zillertal, Gerlostal, Tuxer Tal; Beatrix und Egon Pinzer ~ Wort und Welt Verlag (ISBN 3-85373-167-8)

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max. 1000 znakov
  • Raphael - 23.9.26
    After reading the previous comments on R36 and R37, I decided to replace them by two legs of the „Berliner Höhenweg“ (check: I replaced R36 with hiking to the Friesenberghaus and R37 by going from the Friesenberghaus to the Gamshütte. Both were very nice trips, which were not too demanding at most parts but included large boulders again, which were difficult in the rain. Still, the tours had very scenic views on the Zillertal and the Schlegeisspeicher and the huts were nice and with friendly service. From the Gamshütte I descended to Mayrhofen, which takes around 3h. If you want to avoid walking roads down in the valley I strongly suggest taking this option!
  • Carsten - 22.1.10
    (2) Half a dozen buses a day run from the dam of the Schlegeis reservoir (about 5km into this stage) to Ginzling and on to Mayrhofen (resupply). I did not see a shop in Ginzling (or anything else of interest). Restaurants were closed, and I didn't look for and didn't see accommodation.

    In good weather, from near the dam of the Schlegeis Reservoir (or perhaps where one first reaches the reservoir) it’s possible to follow signposts for sections of the Berliner Hoehenweg via the Olperer Huette and the Gams Huette to Finkenberg (a worthy highline trail). Google Berliner Hoehenweg for more information. Probably really nice.
  • Carsten - 22.1.10
    (1) WARNING R36 starting from the Schlegeis Reservoir through halfway of R38 is a Via Horribile Anti-Alpina (low-level valley walk, on or near asphalt roads (with cars), nothing to see...)

    Default: Take the bus from the Schlegeis Reservoir to Mayrhofen (full resupply, affordable hotels), and then a bus from Mayrhofen to Moesl (the Finkenberg-Moesl leg is a pointless up and down in a non-satisfying environment). From Moesl, it’s possible to walk to Schwaz (end of R40) in one day (R39 and R40 double-count the ascent to Kellerjochhuette, and one may well bypass the final climb to that hut). Schwaz (also) has excellent resupply. -- I am not in favor of taking buses to shorten the distance walked, but the situation here is different from Pragser Wildsee to St Martin, which gave me a nice impression of the changing landscape. Here, in R36-R38, there is nothing worth to be experienced; the routing is plain offensive.
  • Lolo - 19.7.29
    Passage en Autriche. Descente le long du mur du barrage. Descente le long de la rivière. Suivre le chemin balisé car il y a des tunnels à passer par la route. A Ginzling je décidé de continuer jusqu'à Finkenberg 10 km de plus. Balisage moyen...
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Prehod v Avstrijo. Spust ob steni jezu. Spust ob reki. Sledite markirani poti, saj obstajajo tuneli, ki se peljejo mimo ceste. V Ginzlingu sem se odločil, da nadaljujem do Finkenberga 10 km več. Povprečne ocene ...
  • POPEYE GG - 18.6.13
    11 juillet 2017
    Aucune difficulté pour cette étape malgré la grande dénivelée en descente (1400m).
    Toujours de beaux panoramas avec ici une multitude de cascades.
    Le chemin passe au pied d'un barrage, équipé d'une impressionnante via ferrata.
    A Ginzling, pour l'hébergement, le plus simple est d'aller voir l'office du tourisme: je recommande l'hôtel Schwarzenstein: pour plus de détails, voir aussi mon blog "".

    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    11. julij 2017 Na tej stopnji ni težav, kljub velikemu padcu (1400 m). Vedno lepi panoramski razgledi s številnimi slapovi. Pot poteka ob vznožju jezu, ki je opremljen z impresivno ferrato. V Ginzlingu, za namestitev, je najlažji način, da greste v turistični urad: priporočam hotel Schwarzenstein: za več podrobnosti si oglejte tudi moj blog "".
  • Eva - 17.7.30
    Between Ginzling and Breitlahner is an official Bivouac field. It's next to the road and full of rockclimbers :-) People might call it a campsite (and they might say it's in Ginzling), but in both cases you'll be disappointed.
    Domenikus Hütte is a very nice place indeed. They have no problem with camping for 1 night as long as you ask. Super friendly staff who love to "help" hikers. Warmly recommended!
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Med Ginzlingom in Breitlahnerjem je uradno polje Bivak. To je poleg ceste in polno rockclimbers :-) Ljudje bi lahko imenovali to kamp (in bi lahko rekli, da je v Ginzling), vendar v obeh primerih boste razočarani. Domenikus Hütte je res lepo mesto. Nimajo težav s kampiranjem za 1 noč, dokler vas vprašate. Super prijazno osebje, ki radi "pomaga" pohodnikom. Toplo priporočljivo!
  • gianadda marie-jo - 15.8.17
    Sommes descendues jusqu'à Hôtel Breitlahner. Itinéraire de fond de vallée encore assez sympa.
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Got off Breitlahner Hotel. Cross-pot še vedno precej kul dolina.
  • Daniel - 13.9.15
    When you arrive at the newly rebuilt Pfitscherjoch Hut, you instantly feel the urge to move on!
    The privately owned Dominikushutte is great. Owners are very friendly, and they have a free laundry service!
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Ko pridete na novo obnovljenem Pfitscherjoch Hut, boste takoj počutili pozivam, da se premaknete naprej! Dominikushutte v zasebni lasti, je super. Lastniki so zelo prijazni in imajo prost pralnica
  • Elisabeth - 12.12.24
    Prix prohibitif à Pfitscherjochhaus (6 € l'apfelstrudel !)
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Prix ​​à prohibitif Pfitscherjochhaus (6 € l'jabolčni zavitek!)
  • Alpinisten - 12.9.24
    Wir können die Dominikushütte wärmstens empfehlen! Kamen vonr der Hochfeilerhütte und hatten keine Lust auf den Baulärm am Pfitscher Joch (Umbau)...Sehr gut essen kann man im Gasthof "Alt-Ginzling" (Familie Kröll), die aber keine Übernachtung anbieten.
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Mi lahko zelo priporočiti Dominikushütte! Prišel je OFR Hochfeiler koče in ni imel časa za gradnjo hrupa na Pfitscherjoch (rekonstrukcija) ... Zelo dobro, kar lahko jeste v gostilni "Alt Ginzling" (družina Kroell), v ponudbi pa ne prenočitev.
  • Mountain Girl - 11.12.21
    As you come into the village of Ginzling (from Passo Vizze), the first house with a sign for "Zimmer" (rooms) is comfortable. Food options in Ginzling are limited to a bakery with sporadic hours, and a Gasthof, that also offers rooms.
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Kot ste prišli v vasi Ginzling (od Passo Vizze), prva hiša z znakom za "Zimmer" (sobe) je udobno. Hrana možnosti v Ginzling so omejeni na pekarno z občasnimi ur, in Gasthof, ki prav tako ponuja sobe.
  • Mountain Girl - 11.10.27
    Dominikushuette is the first hut coming off the Passo Vizze -- 8km down--and a welcome choice. Hosts love hearing hiker stories, offer great food and comfortable lodging. Plus, there's a superb view of the glacier outside the dining room window. Highly recommended!
    Samodejni prevod [Google]
    Dominikushuette je prvi dom, ki prihajajo izven Passo Vizze - 8km navzdol - in dobrodošla izbira. Gostitelji radi gluhe hiker zgodbe, ponujajo odlično hrano in udobno bivališče. Plus, da je krasen pogled na ledenik skozi okno v jedilnici. Zelo priporočljivo!
Zadnja sprememba : 19.12.15